Monday, September 20, 2010

Loaded Oatmeal

I shared some pictures from this summer's vacay with friends and it was so motivating to hear all things good about how great I looked and how I've lost "a lot of weight"

I've not done sit ups in a while neither have I been running. But the other day I walked into the local store and they had a sale for oatmeal and all the healthy breakfast condiments. And really who has such a sale? right? So my awesome best person grabbed me a bunch of heart healthy oatmeal and vanilla extract. And guess what? this morning I had filling loaded oatmeal for breakfast. My loaded oatmeal contains; 1/2 cuppa oats, a tbs of brown sugar, a tbs of vanilla extract, a handful of raisins, a handful of cranberries and a dash of freshly ground cinnamon. Absolutely delish and filling :) I greatly recommend you try if you already haven't.

Besides that its kinda slow in my neck of the woods. But I'll be back soon with more updates.

Y'all have a week full of healthy eating and drinking choices



Diz said...

Um....sounds heavenly! I have oatmeal almost everyday for breakfast- maybe I should try this too...

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