Saturday, August 18, 2012

On Lapping Couch Potatoes

On Friday I didn't workout I decided to take a break after three consecutive days of power walks/runs with my 10lb dumbbells. However, I went to my local farmer's market and did some 30 minute walking around shopping different vendors. I always look forward to Friday because of all the fresh healthy steals I score at my local farmer's market. Last night I was in the mood for some ribs and coleslaw and they have a roadhouse truck that makes the best of both at the farmer's mkt. I stopped by and got us some grub for dinner. We enjoyed the yummy ribs. I could only eat one with a side of rice, coleslaw and a little tri tip but boy was it delish.

Today was our lazy day. We did some essentials shopping and then came back home to escape the heat. Plus the boy had some assignments to get done. I caught up on all my TIVO'd shows and just lazed around. At about 8pm I could tell something was missing. I was getting a little fidgety and I couldn't place my finger on it until I realized that was around the time I usually would go to the gym or out for a run/power walk. This was so motivating coming to the realization my body was telling me something was amiss. I go into my workout clothes, grabbed my dumbbells, the boy joined me and we went for a quick brisk 1.5 mile walk. Not much but you know what ? for every step, every mile, everyday means I'm still lapping everybody on the couch :) and I'm a step closer to a healthier and more fit me. Nothing could excite and motivate me more.

Which brings me to a total of 10.7 miles of runs/power walks on four days of working out this week. Yay!!!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

OverWeight In Sunny SoCal


Melissa @ Faster In Water said...

That is such good perspective! I love it. Even if someone was the slowest on a course, they would be lapping the couch potatoes!

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